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Please do not proceed with your order if you do not intend to pay
Batteries may or may not be included with your mod device or kit. Please ensure that you have read the product description carefully to determine this. If you are still unsure, you may contact us via email or our contact form
IMPORTANT: If any item listed has an error, such as a zero price, incorrect price, or any other incorrect information whatsoever, we reserve the right to cancel the order and refund the customer
Proof of Payment
Please send proof of payment to sales@afrivape.co.za so that we are aware of your order. We only despatch once payment reflects in our account. However, to speed up the process, we will contact the bank to verify that the proof of payment is valid
After payment is received on our side, please allow 1-5 working days for your parcel to arrive. Please note that if you qualify for free delivery but fail to select the free delivery option on checkout, you forfeit the benefit unless you bring this to our attention
Cash Deposits
For cash deposits, please add 2% to the total. To easily calculate this, multiply the total of your order by 1.02
We will ensure that your parcel is wrapped safely. However, please note that once your item leaves our premises, we are not responsible for any losses that may arise from breakage, theft or otherwise. Insurance is available at 2.5% of your order with a minimum of R75. To calculate this, multiply your total by 1.025 or add R75 (whichever is greater)
If it is a cash deposit AND you require insurance
1) Please multiply the total by 1.0455
2) Multiply by 1.02 and add R75. Then select the greater of the total in 1) and 2)
Warranty and Returns Policy
1. Shipping on potentially faulty products back to us are for buyers account
2. A refundable deposit of R250 will be charged for product assessment.
In the case of a defective product, we reserve the right to the following:
We may repair, replace or refund the buyer for the item whether a replacement is in stock or not. In this case, shipping back to the buyer would be at the expense of Afrivape
3. If on the other hand it is determined that there is no problem with the product, the buyer would forfeit the deposit and would be liable for shipping back to the buyer.
4. A 3 month warranty stands on the mod devices, on condition that the batteries used in the mod device were purchased from Afrivape as well.
5. No warranty is carried on tanks and other items
Please note that if a complete kit is returned for a replacement (after it is deemed unrepairable), only the mod will be replaced and the tank will remain with the customer. If a kit is the only item available, the tank along with coils and accessories will be removed and the remaining mod will be granted to the customer. If there is neither a kit nor a mod available, the customer will be refunded for the purchase price of the mod - which is calculated as the purchase price of the kit, less 70% of the average market price of the tank (calculated using the first 5 Google results in the country)
Please note that if you are purchasing a device, particularly a mechanical device, there are risks attached to it. If you do not have working knowledge on the usage of such devices, or of ohm's law, please do not go ahead with the purchase. Afrivape will not be liable for any injuries or losses whatsoever, arising from usage